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1971 Indo-Pak war hero – Group Captain Donald Lazarus, Virchakra Awardee of Indian Air Force was felicitated by Defence Force League in Pune

On Monday 19th Sept,2022: Defence Force League team met Gp Capt Don Lazarus in Pune. He is 1971 Indo-Pak War Hero , who was awarded by Virchakra for shooting down Pak Air Force SaberJet in 71 War, The pilot of SaberJet whom he shot down was made Prisoner by India. Later that POW pilot became pak air force chief.

During the operation against Pakistan in December, 1971, Flying Officer Donald Lazarus was serving with a Fighter Bomber Squadron. On 22nd November 1971, Flying Officer Lazarus was detailed to fly as No. 4 in a formation of four Gnat aircraft. The formation was ordered to intercept four hostile aircraft which had intruded into our territory. The formation leader maneuvered the formation to an advantageous position and engaged the introducing Sabre Jets. In the ensuing air Battle, Flying Officer Lazarus maintained his stations as number four ensuring the safety of his element leader. At one stage, when Flying Officer Lazarus noticed that one of the Sabre Jet was becoming a threat to his element leader, he maneuvered his own air craft with great skill and got behind the Sabre Jet and pressed home his attack till the Sabre Jet disintegrated in the mid air.
In this action, Flying Officer Donald Lazarus displayed gallantry, professional skill and devotion to duty of a high order.

Para SF Commando Raghunath Sawant with Gp Capt Lazarus
Mr. Siddaram Birajdar with Gp Capt Lazarus
Mr. Nilesh Vispute with Gp Capt Lazarus
JWO Sharadchandra Phatak with Gp Capt Lazarus